Lake Union Prayer Conference
Lake Union Prayer Conference
Lake Union Prayer Conference
“Could there be a convocation of all the churches on earth, the object of their united cry should be for the Holy Spirit. When we have that, Christ our sufficiency is ever present. We shall have every want supplied. We shall have the mind of Christ." -Ellen G. White
While you yearn over the whole human race, you will have One by your side who hath said, Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:20 KJV).
Have you not then a helper? One who died for the recovery of the world? Have you not a Sufficiency? Is not He your Counselor? and is He not devising fresh methods for the saving of the souls for whom He died? While we are His instruments to seek and save the lost, we must permit the work of saving to rest on our Saviour. While in your prayers you present the great want of souls before the world’s Redeemer, commit both yourself and them to Him as His own purchased possession. Your only hope for yourself and for them is in Jesus. He bears your name upon His breast. Your prayers may rise with an importunity that will not accept denial; that is faith.”
Read about past prayer summits held in the Lake Union.
Lake Union Presses Together
Five hundred people, 24 hours and a chorus of united prayer. This was the atmosphere for the “Our United Cry” Lake Union Prayer Conference held March 6-7 in Plainfield, Indiana.
Reports of Mission Adapting & Continuing
Multiple events such as the United Prayer Conference were successfully held virtually and plans are to make the prayer conference a more regular event.
Together In Mission
Our United Cry Prayer Conference had 158 registered attendees and reached over 170 people through social media. One participant praised the prayer conference, saying, “I was truly blessed by this session. We need more united prayer sessions and services together.”
Empty Table Testimony
Tangila and Bryan Jefferson volunteered as table facilitators at Our United Cry prayer conference. Their job was to lead out in the various prayer activities and discussions. Watch this short testimony of how God answered Tangila's prayer request for her husband.